“Imagination is more important than knowledge.
For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
– Albert Einstein.

Creative Minds provides a platform through which students showcase their creativity through a competitive Platform.


Tell A Tale

Each child has a Unique Story to tell hence we encourage Story Writing & Telling it in their own unique ways!

5th – 7th Grade
A trip into the Future.

8th – 10th Grade
Our Ancestors and their Values

Photo Fable

With the proper Camera and Vision, "Photography" can enhance your "Creative Mind".

5th – 7th Grade
A Sport in action.

8th – 10th Grade

11th – 12th Grade
Nature & its Creation.

Young Artisans

Painting!!! Creativity on a Canvas speaks a million words to an Audience.

5th – 7th Grade
Nature on a Canvas.

8th – 10th Grade
Landscapes, Portraits, Abstract

11th – 12th Grade
Landscapes, Portraits, Abstract

~ Prize ~